
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Keeping up with my 7 year old

Taking any opportunity to walk a lot is all part of preparing for the X-Alps.  Whether that means walking to launch when going out flying, walking to and from work or just heading out at the weekend to get some km's under my belt, it is all part of the job.  I was therefore more than happy to volunteer to walk in a sponsored walk with my 7 year old daughter, Lucy, on Sunday.  The sponsored walk was called the 'marche de l'espoir' and takes place each year in Geneva.  The course loops around the right bank, taking in the botanical gardens.  The complete loop was 6kms, but everyone was welcome to do as much or as little as they wanted.  We'd indicated to people sponsoring her that she could cover quite a long distance, perhaps 10 or more kilometers...

We started at 11am with a great release of ballons (see photo) and afer a lap and a half stopped for sandwiches.  Lucy was showing no signs of slowing.  After lunch we set into out third lap with vigour, and as Lucy had collected 2 'bonus kilometers' by answering quizzes on the way around, I thought we were on track to complete the card they'd given Lucy to collect stamps at each kilometer passed, which only had 20 boxes.  We finshed the third lap, collected the last stamp on the card at the finish, but then Lucy announced she wanted to go around again!  So with a second card stapled to the first we set off again on a 4th tour, completing a grand total of 24km (or 26 including the bonuses).  No idea where she gets it from!  All good training though...

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